About Us


Kanyashree University

Kanyashree University established in the year 2020, is wedded to the ideals of women’s empowerment and social progress. Our university is animated by a grand vision of fostering the educational, social, scientific and pragmatic development of women in particular and society in general. We seek to transform society and facilitate progress by empowering women in every sphere of life through proper education and development of skills. We will preserve and promote our rich cultural and artistic legacy, ensure it endures through the ages, burnished by the contributions of future generations of scholars, artists and nation builders. We see young girls as a powerhouse of energy, full of promise and brimming with potential, which we will help them unleash so they can live up to their dreams and lead rich, fulfilling lives. It is women who give birth, who bear the next generation. By empowering women and honing their talents so they can shine in life, we will create a better world, where men and women alike can be their best.


Alumni Association:

Alumni association is considered to be an integral part of any university. The purpose of an association is to cultivate a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of university. Alumni associations exist to support university’s goals, and to strengthen the ties between alumni, the community, and the university. Alumni associations offer networking opportunities, which can connect recent graduates with established professionals and help people, pursue career changes.

Kanyashree University believes in holistic development of students through education and extracurricular activities that exceeds the boundary of academic excellence. Excellent rapport between faculty and students will contribute towards a strong bonding and network between the alumni and the institute. The dictum of Alumni Association is to create a sturdy platform for the mutual growth of associated students and the institution.

Our Vision:

Kanyashree University Alumni Association will aspire to create a strong network between past and present students along with faculty members which is driven by the ideals and values of the institution, that will ensure the up-liftment of both present and future alumnus with support to build a social, knowledgeable and motivational capital for university and its students.

Our Objectives:

  • To unite the existing alumnus with the university and bridge the gap of communication between alumnus, students and faculty.
  • To promote exchange of academic and corporate experience with the students of the university.
  • To patronize and channelize the efforts of the students seeking better opportunities to learn and grow.
  • To productively utilize the talents, resources and network of alumni to enhance the goodwill of the university and sense of pride to both alumni and students.
  • To construct a concrete organizational structure and synchronized programme for alumni association.
  • To publish and circulate various materials relating to university and its alumni.
  • To arrange and conduct meetings of alumni associations at regular interval.
  • To encourage alumni and friends of the University to generously support the institution.
  • To create and support a fund to be known as The Kanyashree University Alumni Fund for the use and benefit of The University.
  • To support the President, Board of Trustees, staff, faculty and student body of the University in their efforts to improve the institution.
  • To endorse cultural, academic, and literary development of its members.
  • To encourage a continuing interest in and loyalty to Kanyashree University.
  • To conduct any and all appropriate activities to accomplish the above objectives and purposes.

Kanyashree University Alumni Association
Krishnagar, Nadia

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